
Sunday, January 3, 2016

Snow Day !

We had our first snowfall this morning!  What started out as a dusting around 7 am, turned into an inch by late morning.  We had fully intended to go to church when I dressed the girls out.  I figured they could play for an hour before we had to come in and get ready. But right before Tessa & I came inside to warm up, the neighbor kids slowly began to converge in the cut-de-sac.  And after that, parents followed with sleds, boogie boards and laundry baskets to use as sleds.  And then everyone was outside celebrating the inch of snow!  Sophie brought out a thermos of peppermint hot cocoa to share.  We visited with Ed and Jessie & Tyson while our kids pulled each other on their sleds.  Faith even coached McKinley & Piper to stand on the boogie boards while she pulled them.  They were naturals, balancing with ease, and it made me think that my snowboard that's somewhere in the attic might someday get some more use.  Before we knew it, it was lunchtime.  So we said our goodbyes and retreated inside for some hot soup.

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