
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Tessa's Birth Story

What an incredible experience!  Three weeks post-birth, and I am still in awe of how it all went down.

        After five days of having my mom here to help out, my dad got into town on the evening of Nov. 25. That night, I had some contractions, similar to the ones I was feeling the previous week: inconsistent & mainly just a hardening of my upper belly.  I went to bed, and they eventually went away. Around 5:30 am, I was awoken by more contractions, only this time I felt the sensation a lot lower.  The contractions were lasting maybe 20-30 seconds and coming every 10-15 minutes, but I still didn't think anything of it.  However, I called Benji, who was at work, to give him a heads-up.  I had a regularly-scheduled pre-natal appointment at 10:15 am, so I went about my morning and figured I'd wait and see.  I had also arranged to meet a seller on Craigslist about a twin bed before my appointment, so my mom and I left a little early. Right before we walked out the door, I decided to grab my hospital bag.  But I was pretty sure that when I said goodbye to McKinley & Piper and told them I'd be home to make them lunch, I meant it.  Since the contractions were still coming steady while I was driving, I had my mom time them.  Still about 10 minutes apart, Benji decided to meet me at the hospital for my appointment.
       When my midwife said I was dilated 5 cm and 70% effaced, I was so shocked that I began to sob uncontrollably .  The realization that I was going to meet our daughter before the end of the day was overwhelming.  I was immediately admitted to the hospital, and as soon as we got to my delivery room my contractions started to get really intense.  It felt better to walk through each contraction, so I lunged steadily through the wave of pain while Benji lead me around the room with his hands pressed firmly into my lower back.  I told the nurse I wanted an epidural, but it felt like the hospital staff had no sense of urgency with my request.  So we waited. Finally I was given an IV, but my blood platelet count had to be checked before the epidural could be ordered. At this point, I began hyperventilating during the peak of my contractions. Then about 45 minutes into labor, still waiting for the anesthesiologist, my water broke. The sensation caught me by surprise.  Benji, knowing my heart's desire (even during McKinley's birth) was to experience childbirth naturally, asked the nurses to check my progress in order to buy me more time to re-think my decision for an epidural.  As the nurse checked me while I sat on the edge of the bed, I began to feel pressure and the urge to push.  They tried to get me to scoot back in the bed, but I was unable to move.  Instead, I dropped down to my knees and began pushing on the floor.  After 2-3 pushes and less than 2 hours of intense, active labor, Tessa was born. The instant relief was so amazing, I felt like superwoman! Infact, I told the nursing staff I was ready to go home.
      There are more details of the day, some that Benji helps me remember and others that would make this blog post even longer than it already is. But upon reflection of my labor and delivery, God's timing is evident.  I went home the next evening after 24 hours had passed from Tessa's amniotic fluid incident and enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with my family the following day.

Tessa's first visitors: Susan and Jim.  Jim works with Benji.

The next morning. 

Getting her dressed to go home.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! We love you guys and hope you have a wonderul Christmas with your girls!
