
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bit 'O Summer

Our summer weather is still holding strong.  And we are taking advantage of it!  We are currently in the process of painting the exterior of our house.  I can't wait to share before and after pictures.  This weather is also great for cross country meets, trips to the park, and last minute pool parties.  In addition, I wanted to reveal a project I finally finished and a vintage find I scored at the grand opening of our local Goodwill.  Rain is in the forecast for next week, but it's obvious that fall is just around the corner. Especially after waking up to temperatures in the 30's and seeing my breath for the first time while painting in the early morning.

 Momma and Bruce after running the open race in Tillamook.

BEFORE:                                          AFTER:

Ta-Da!  A chalkboard calendar. The edges and verticals are wood, which I spray painted and then glued on to the door. The days of the week are old Scrabble tiles.  But the horizontals are green yarn taped to the wood and are temporary (I hope).

 This quilt reminded me of the blog border, and I couldn't resist all the colors and its vintage charm.

1 comment:

  1. Snya, you are so crafty and creative! Your girls are looking so much more alike in the face now that Piper is getting bigger. We are loving the fall too! Wish you guys were heading our way for a visit!
