
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pink and Purple Twinkies

So, Shannon brought the cutest matching outfits for Leyton and McKinley.  It took us the entire week to coordinate some decent cousin pics, but we got 'em nonetheless!  Drum roll please.... Sweet Cousins in Sassy Britches and Fuzzy Fleece starring Leyton Lee & McKinley Ruth.  WARNING: The photographer was a little snap-happy.


Leyton: I'm not gonna make eye contact.

McKinley: Yeah for cousin pics!

McKinley: Maybe if I smile real big, we can stop right now!

Leyton: Snack break...time to nurse my hand.

L.O.V.E it!

Leyton: Still snacking on my hand.

McKinley: Goin' in for a smooch.

1 comment:

  1. so cute! it looks like mckinley LOVED having her cousin visit!
