
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

I am beginning to affirm my reservations about starting this blog.  I have spent McKinley's last two consecutive nap periods composing my first post...meanwhile, the dirty dishes are still in the sink, the clean laundry is still on the floor, and our living room is a mess! "Blogging" is super addictive and quite time consuming.  Nevertheless, it's an awesome venue to connect with family and friends, and I'm excited to finally get started.  I have so many McKinley pictures and moments I'm anxious to share, but for now, here are some favorites from our photo session after church.


  1. Oh Sonya and Ben, she's BEAUTIFUL!!!! So glad you guys had a great first Easter as a family of three! How fun to keep tabs on your family through a blog. . . it sure can be addicting. Enjoy! Bless you guys.

  2. What a beautiful niece I have. We can't wait to meet her!
