
Monday, May 19, 2014

The Best Mother's Day Ever

My Mom and my Grandma B. flew into town last week.  And we were together for Mother's Day ~ four generations of women (Seman, Boutilier, Campoamor & Howard).  So cool and so special! We even had some professional pictures taken by John Macy of Photomacy.  Can't wait to see the images!  Here are some pictures of our time together.

Mother's Day breakfast: blueberry-buttermilk pancakes, turkey bacon & mimosas.

Pics after church.

Gramma and McKinley play red light, green light.

Four generations.

Playing with Sophie on their dirt castle.

Thank you Gramma for our awesome butterfly wings and headbands!

Thank you Shelia for our matching, triple-twinkies tank tops!

Tessa's first taste of solid food: guacamole.

Thank you Gramma for our new nightgowns!


  1. Lovin' the four generations picture! What a special time for you and your girls. I saw Gramma B recently at Dimond celebrating Kylie. It was so good to see her!

  2. Grandma B!!!!!!!! Give my love to her and your mom for me. How could I have aged so much the last 15 years and Grandma B looks the same as ever?
