
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Mama Llama's Day

So, I just happened to turn 30 and 35 on the same day; 30 weeks pregnant and 35 years old.  Although, I wish it was the other way around, leaving me only 5 more weeks before my due date.  My lower back pain is prominent throughout the entire day, even into the middle of the night.  And the tips of my fingers have developed calluses from all the pricking.  Plus, there's the occasional charlie horse that wakes me from a deep sleep.  Needless to say, I'm ready for Tessa's arrival!  
My birthday was a fun day. We began by taking some family pictures in a sunflower field in Sherwood, something I've always wanted to do.  Then we popped into Trader Joes before having lunch  at the Olive Garden.  After cross country practice Dadda grilled up some delicious cheeseburgers for dinner, while I sautéed some mushrooms and onions for the burgers.  For dessert we ate chocolate chip cheesecake bars that McKinley and I made during naptime. 

Piper was a bit of a grumposaurs rex and wouldn't smile for a single shot. 

Full bellies in front of the Olive Garden.

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