
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Playing catch-up

I recently downloaded a bunch of pictures from our new DSLR camera and realized that I have neglected to write about some important happenings from the past month.  For starters, Benji and I both celebrated birthdays in September. For his day, he insisted on grilling himself steak for dinner.  McKinley and I provided dessert, a favorite of his...Daiquiri Ice from Baskin Robbins. For my day, I requested a frappecino and blueberry muffin from Starbucks for breakfast and then Burgerville for dinner.

Besides birthdays, we have been juggling schedules as Benji began a new shift at work and the cross country running season began where I am an assistant coach at Newberg High School. Benji has participated in a few open races during our meets, so it's been fun for McKinley and I to cheer him on.

Benji and Bruce (head coach)


At the start line.

Doing some last minute strides with Dadda.

Cheering on Dadda at the finish line.

I haven't been nearly as diligent in taking weekly belly photos as when I was pregnant with McKinley.  But here are a few from the past couple weeks. We met with an OB/GYN that specializes in vaginal breech deliveries yesterday because our baby girl still remains head-up....even after all my attempts to flip her.  Before we can determine if I'm a good candidate for a breech delivery, we must exhaust all of our options to turn her.  So, we're scheduling an appointment to have a doctor physically rotate her at the end of this week. 

35 Weeks:

36 weeks:
My belly button has popped out!

Lastly, as I mentioned above, we recently bought a nicer camera than the point-and-shoot we have used since we got married.  I am still learning about all of its features and how to capture better images, but I am having a blast using McKinley as my test subject.  Hopefully I'll have a better understanding of my new toy before Munch #2 gets here. 

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