
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Walkin' In Memphis

My brother recently discovered the Navy was sending him to Liberia for 9 months and that his duty would begin sometime in August.  That's all it took....and McKinley and I were on a plane to Memphis to visit him and Shannon.  Unfortunately, with such short notice, Benji wasn't able to get time off from work.  So I braved McKinley's first plane trip alone. I think I worried myself sick the night before our flight, but after it was all said and done, the experience was okay. I must say, though, that when you travel with a baby, people tend to be forgiving, flexible, and helpful.  I truly appreciated the women that offered encouragement and help in the Houston airport when our flight was delayed for 5 hours and McKinley was so tired that she couldn't cry herself to sleep. Anyways, enough about our flight.  We had a WONDERFUL time with Ryan and Shannon (and Baby Campy in the oven).  Despite their recent circumstances, they were gracious hosts.  They took us to Graceland, Beale St., the Memphis Zoo, and to the Peabody Hotel to see the famous ducks.  McKinley loved playing with her Auntie and Uncle.   And I got the biggest kick out of watching my brother interact with her....he would laugh at every little thing she did.  Ryan and Shannon will be amazing parents come October when McKinley's cousin arrives!
In the Portland Airport waiting to depart.

She fell asleep after getting settled in our seat.

She awoke just before take-off.  Our pediatrician 
suggested she nurse or suck on a pacifier while taking off.

Watching the famous Peabody ducks splash in their fountain in the lobby.

On top of the Peabody Hotel with the Mississippi River in the background.


Pictures after church on the 4th of July.

Stop pinching me Uncle Ryan!!!

Entrance to the Memphis Zoo... 5th best zoo in the United States.

Watching the sea lion show at the zoo.

Boy, it sure is muggy here in TN!

Chillin' with my Uncle.


I want to fly, just like my uncle!!!

After spending time at Ryan and Shannon's home, I met my parents in Kentucky so that I could introduce McKinley to her great grandparents. The live on a farm in Bloomfield, KY and even though I was only there for one night, McKinley got to see alot!!!  She had a blast with her Gramma & Grampa and her Meemaw & Pappaw. 

Gettin' down on the farm.

Much to Dadda's dismay, McKinley loved the kitties.

She wasn't too fond of CaseyMay and DJ.

Meeting her Meemaw.

Three generations.

Saying goodbye to Meemaw and Pappaw. They wanted to keep her,
to turn her into a country girl.

Back in Memphis, we had one last night together with Uncle Ryan, Auntie Shannon, Gramma & Grampa.

Momma's little hippie child.

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