
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter pictures: Part II

Becoming a mother has definitely increased my "paparazzi" reflex.  I am obsessed with getting the perfect shot!  I wish my eyes had embedded camera lenses so that every time I blink, I'm taking a picture while I witness McKinley smile, babble, or do some thing so cute that my heart just melts.  I have professional photographers in my family (Grandpa Fred and Auntie Natalie) so I pick their creative brains for things that I can the right lighting, poses, backdrops, props, etc. Although I'm only using a pocket-sized digital camera, I'm sometimes amazed at what I'm able to capture.  Rest assured.....Miss McKinley will not be trying out for America's Next Top Model; Season 32.

Thank you Grandpa & Gramma for my duckie easter hat!




  1. She is so stinkin' cute! Sonya-you are such a creative photographer. I give props to you for your props :)

  2. I agree with Cassie. . . adorable!!! You definitley have a creative eye. I love her outfit with the beads too!!! She's just perfect!
