I've been terrible with my monthly Tessa updates. Thankfully, when she turns one in less than two months, I'll be off the hook. Without further ado, here's the latest and the greatest with Miss Tess.
- Her first tooth (top right) appeared Oct 5.
- Noticed her second tooth (bottom right) on Oct. 14.
- Immediately after realizing she had two tooth, she began to grind them.
- She took her first steps Oct. 16.
- She was recently weened from her afternoon snack (after nap time), so now she's down to four breast feedings a day.
- She climbs our two sets of stairs in less than five seconds.
- She claps, waves, blows kisses, and raises her arms in the air when I say "Tessa is
so big."
- She
loves bath time with her big sisters
and the tv remote
and the vacuum cleaner.
- She can say Mama, but she mainly says Dada, and I don't think she knows what they mean yet.
Tessa, my little jinx-bear-doodle, I love you so much. You are pure joy!